The Binomial Cube


  • A box with a removable lid (on which is painted the pattem shown above) and with a hinged side. Inside the box are 8 multi-coloured solids (assorted cubes and rectangular prisms| in blue, red and black.

Direct aim

Discrimination of size and color.

Indirect aim

To memorize the geometrical pattern. To give a subconscious knowledge of the algebraical formula (a + b)³ by sensorial experience through handling cubes and building the big combined cubes.

Control of error

The pattern will not match the one shown on the lid if the cube is incorrectly constructed, nor will the shape be that of a cube.

Age of interest

After the apparatus for the discrimination of size and the color tablets–usually around 4 years.


  1. Stage 1- Take the solids from the box and sort them into colors. Build the cube in the box, starting with the largest cube which you place in the corner. Using the pattern on the lid as your guide, continue building the cube, making it very obvious to the child each time that you are matching the color and size of one surface against another before placing it in position.
  2. Stage 2-Build the cube in the same way, but this time on the lid of the box.
  3. Stage 3-Build the cube in the same way, but without any guide. Show the child that the pattern is the same all round the cube and through its middle.


The child builds the cube in the ways shown.