The Thermic Bottles 


  • Bottles which are filled with water at very different temperatures. There are 8 bottles. Each pair contains the same temperature water. 2 fairly hot, 2 cold, 2 warm, 2 tepid.

Direct aim

To develop the thermic sense.

Control of error

The teacher must act as the control.

Age of interest

3-4 years.


  1. Present to the child the two extremes of temperature first, hot (not too hot to cause discomfort!) and cold.
  2. Then introduce each of the other bottles separately with these.

The child should wash his hands before doing this exercise as this will increase his sensitivity. Show him how to hold the bottles against his cheek for finer discrimination.

Two Exercises

  1. The child pairs the bottles.
  2. The child grades them according to the degree of temperature.

Language (later)

Hot, cold, warm, tepid, cooler, hotter, hottest, coldest, etc.

Note: One can also use the thermic tablets made from felt, wood, steel, cork, glass and marble.