The Trinomial Cube


  • A box with a removable lid (on which is painted the pattern shown in the illustration) and with a hinged side. Inside the box are 27 multi-colored solids (assorted cubes and rectangular prisms) in yellow, red, black and blue.

Direct aim

Discrimination of size and color.

Indirect aim

To memorize the geometrical pattern. To give a subconscious knowledge of the algebraic formula (a + b + c)3 through the practical building of the cube.

Control of error

The pattern will not match the one shown on the lid if the cube is incorrectly constructed, nor will the shapes form a perfect cube.

Age of interest

4-5 years, following the Binomial cube.


Follow the three stages shown with the Binomial cube. Again show the child how the pattern is repeated throughout the cube.


The child builds the cube as shown.