Knobless Cylinders


  • 4 sets of 10 cylinders (like the first sets of cylinders but without the blocks to put them in). Each set is a different color.
  1. Set A (yellow): Differ in height and diameter
  2. Set B (green): Differ in height and diameter the opposite way
  3. Set C (red): Differ in the diameter only
  4. Set D (blue): Differs in height only.

Direct aim

To develop the visual discrimination of perception.

Indirect aim

Co-ordination, sequencing, mathematical language.

Control of error


Age of interest

3 years.

Teacher’s presentation

(Later than the cylinder blocks).

  1. Take set ‘A’ alone. Set out on mat in mixed order.
  2. Set out in line along edge of mat, each time looking for the largest and putting in new line.


  1. The child does each set
  2. The child grades two sets
  3. The child grades three sets
  4. The child grades all sets after moving them together.

Language given later

High, tall, low, small, thick, thin, with comparatives and superlatives.