Phyllis Wallbank: Her Dream Classroom

June 10, 2017 0 Comments

  By David Fleischacker One day some years ago, Phyllis Wallbank and I were sitting in her living room looking across the pond in her back yard (this is the picture that is the backdrop for this blogsite), and we were talking about the unity of all things in creation.  She then in her spontaneous …

Opening the Doors to the Higher and Lower Levels of Things

June 3, 2017 0 Comments

by David Fleischacker This one will be short.  One important element that young people should come to discover on their own, but through a carefully prepared environment is the higher and lower orders of being.  Materials and experiences in life can open up this grand discovery.  Descriptively, we get a sense of this order — …

Liturgy and the Divine Atrium

May 27, 2017 0 Comments

by David Fleischacker The Liturgy as the Divine Atrium Maria Montessori learned much about the nature of education from the liturgy of the Church. Saint John Paul II called the liturgy a school of life and salvation. For Catholics, we can have a deep and abiding trust in this reality because the liturgy itself is …

The Development of True Values

May 13, 2017 0 Comments

By Phyllis Wallbank [Transcript from part of a piece delivered in 1999] The development of true values Up to the age of five, the young child is absorbing his whole environment and in a good environment, he gets to know love. Everyone has to feel love to be able to give love and so this …

On Education

May 6, 2017 0 Comments

by Phyllis Wallbank, MBE [the following text was a draft of notes used for a series of workshops that Phyllis delivered in 1999.  The workshops provided educators with a number of tips about education rooted in Phyllis’ long work and reflection upon education.  There are a number of golden nuggets in this piece.] How does one …


April 22, 2017 0 Comments

by Phyllis Wallbank MBE [Phyllis Wallbank was an advance trainer for Maria Montessori.  As well, Phyllis organized the last international Montessori congress at which Maria was present before Maria died.  For years, Phyllis was a teacher and director of the Gatehouse school in East London.  For more on Phyllis see] I watched very recently a …

Pre-Natal Neural Research and the Absorbent Mind

April 15, 2017 0 Comments

by Dr. David Fleischacker During the 1990s, there was an explosion of studies funded and conducted on the brain.  These included looking at the brain at different stages of human development and one of those stages was pre-natal development of the brain.  Studies continue. This is absolutely fascinating.  The vast neural and synaptic explosion that …

Why Montessori Sensorial Materials Work: The Light of Understanding

April 8, 2017 0 Comments

by Dr. David Fleischacker During the first 6 years of life, Maria Montessori discovered that the inner being of the child is being formed, literally. Brain research has demonstrated this as well. Just before birth, the child undergoes massive synaptic growth in the brain that sets the child up for absorbing his or her familial …

The Deepest Mystery of the Child: A fools treasure

April 1, 2017 0 Comments

Today is April fools and it is no foolish point that I would like to discuss. The only foolish thing is my failed attempt to bring out this next point, and given the nature of it, failure is inevitable, hence so is my foolishness.  I am the April fool. Spring is coming soon.  It was …

The Deep Mystery of the Child: Part 1

March 25, 2017 0 Comments

by Dr. David Fleischacker The deep mystery of the child is the same as the heart or the essence of every human soul.  Most of the time we think of a mystery as an unknown. There is something true here.  The child is not really known yet to the world.  And the child is not known …