Box of Materials or Fabrics


  • About 6 or 7 pairs of different types of material, in pieces about 8″ x 5½”. For example:     

-a pair in linen

-a pair in tweed

-a pair in cotton

-a pair in silk

-a pair in satin

-a pair in velvet

-a pair in net

These should be in different colors, as a visual aid for checking.

  • Also, there could be a box of synthetic materials, of varying kinds.


To familiarize the child with various types of materials and their names.

Point of interest

Feeling the material and pairing.


3½ at the latest.

ControI of error

In the colors of the material.


1st Exercise–Individual, the technique of feeling only.

  1. Take two contrasting materials, e.g. one of tweed and one of silk. Show the child how to feel them. 
  2. Introduce another one. (No names are given unless they ask). 
  3. When the child has learnt how to feel, the pairs are introduced, and the child is shown how to pair them, by feeling them carefully.

2nd lesson and exercise, identification of pairs, blindfold.

  1. Use the same 3 pairs he first worked with (if the child does not like the blindfold let him put on sunglasses with material stuck over lenses).
  2. Put the pairs in a pile on your right, after the child has muddled them thoroughly.
  3. Take one, and feel it thoroughly. 
  4. Keep it in the left hand and feel in the pile for the matching piece.
  5. When it is found, place the two neatly on your left hand side. 
  6. Take another piece of material, and feel it thoroughly and find its pair, and so on.

 When the child does this, gradually all the pairs are introduced.

3rd lesson and exercise, naming lesson

  1. Starting with 3 materials, use one from each pair.
  2. Tell the child to feel one well and then name it.
  3. Teach the names using a 3 period lesson, delaying in particular on the 1st and 2nd periods.
  4. Later, when the child can read, he names the materials with the little slips.

Group games

Finding various materials around the room. Naming materials of various dresses and clothes worn.