Broad Stair


  • 10 Prisms of the same length; brown in color increasing in breadth and height from 1 cm to 1 dm.
  • 4 of 1 comprise the second
  • 9 of 1 comprise the third
  • 16 of 1 comprise the fourth

Direct aim

Visual  discrimination.

Indirect aim

Preparation for the mathematical mind. Muscular education of the hand. Development of mathematical language.

Control of error

The smallest prism can go ‘exactly’ up the stairs. If fitted on top of each then the surface is level with the next one.

Age of interest

From 2½ years.

Teacher’s presentation

  1. Individual 
  2. On a mat on the floor. 
  3. They should be kept, in order, horizontally, on a shelf. 
  4. They are held in a grasp in one hand where possible (to strengthen hand and give idea of breadth).
  5. Place the prisms, mixed, on the mat, leaving an open section to build the stair. 
  6. Take the largest prism and place it carefully in the open section of the mat. Take the next largest one and place it directly in front of the first one using both hands. Do the same with the rest of the prisms.
  7. Ask the child if he or she would like to do it. Leave them mixed up for him.

Excercise 2 (later)

Help the child to discover how each cube of the Pink Tower fits against each prism of the Brown Stair.

Language given later

Thick, thin, broad, narrow, surface, level, etc., also the comparatives and superlatives.