Long Rods


  • Consists of 10 rods, red in color, which differ only in length. The shortest is 10 cm and each rod increases by cm.

Direct aim

Visual discrimination of length. Education of the muscular sense also.

Indirect aim

Preparation for number (rods).

Control of error

The smallest rod fits in exactly at the end each time, to equal the length of the nextrod in the progression.

Age of interest

From 2½ years.

Teacher’s presentation

  1. Keep the long rods neatly setup on the shelf as is seen in the picture above.
  2. Take the child to the shelf and show him how to carry it to a mat on the floor holding each rod on its ends, or towards its ends if it is too long for the child. Mix them on the mat.
  3. Begin by looking for the smallest rod.
  4. Then look again for the next smallest.
  5. Lay out one against the other and put one edge neatly against the next.
  6. Make a point of searching for the next one.
  7. Stroke lightly the length of each. Make sure they are straight down one side.
  8. Then mix them all up and ask the child if he would like to do it.
  9. Return each rod from shortest to longest, one by one.

Additional games

Place in different parts of the room or all at the other end. Child carries each one by one and places these in order.

Language given later

Short, long, comparatives and superlatives.