The Pink Tower


Ten pink cubes, differing in length, breadth, and height. Their sizes increase progressively.

  • First Cube: one cubic centimeter (1 x 1 x 1 cm3)  
  • Second Cube: 8 cubic centimeters (2 x 2 x 2 cm3)
  • Third Cube: 27 cubic centimeters (3 x 3 x 3 cm3
  • Fourth Cube: 64 cubic centimeters (4 x 4 x 4 cm3)
  • Fifth Cube: 125 cubic centimeters (5 x 5 x 5 cm3)
  • Sixth Cube: 216 cubic centimeters (6 x 6 x 6 cm3)
  • Seventh Cube: 343 cubic centimeters (7 x 7 x 7 cm3)
  • Eight Cube: 512 cubic centimeters (8 x 8 x 8 cm3)
  • Ninth Cube: 729 cubic centimeters (9 x 9 x 9 cm3)
  • Tenth Cube: 1000 cubic centimeters (10 x 10 x 10 cm3)

Direct aim of the material

Visual discrimination of size, refinement of movement.

Indirect aim of the material

Preparation of the mathematical mind. Muscular education of hand. Development of mathematical language.

Control of error

In the eyes of the child; the small cube in the second presentation.

Age of great interest

From 2½.

1st Presentation and Exercise: To Individual

  1. The Tower should always be kept in an upright position. 
  2. A mat is set out on the floor.  (A table would be too tall)
  3. The child is shown how to carry the bricks. Starting with the smallest brick, each one is carried over to the mat, being placed fairly close together, mixed on one side of the mat.
  4. Kneel when building the tower, giving steadiness. (when working with materials, how one sits, stands, or kneels matters!)
  5. Show that you look carefully for the largest block, pick it up holding it at the top using all the fingers to grasp it in one hand, then place it. Be seen to look carefully for the next largest and place it in the center of the first block. The next block is placed on the top of that, in the center, until the tower has been completed. 
  6. When taking it down, remove the blocks separately and mix them, and let the child try to build it. He will find it difficult at first but he will gradually become perfect.
  7. Repeat the presentation if necessary.

2nd Presentation and Exercise. 

  1. The Tower is built again, only the blocks are placed each time in the corner of the previous block. 
  2. Show him how the smallest cube fits around the sides of the other cubes. This also acts as a control of error.

Language given later

These words can be given with the three-period lesson towards the end of the child’s work with the material: Cube, large, small, big, little. Also comparatives and superlatives.

Additional games

These are after the language acquisition and after the individual work is over. The children will use the language when discussing with other children where cubes should go.

Group game 1

  1. Build up the Tower.
  2. Ask the children to shut their eyes.
  3. Remove one, and ask them to say which one is missing.  

Group game 2: Collective

10 children in a circle with their hands behind their backs. Give:

a) each child a cube and ask them to arrange themselves in order of the size of the cube they hold, beginning with the largest.

b) each child a cube and ask them to arrange themselves in order of the size of the cube they hold, beginning with the smallest.