Rebuilding Education under the light of the Holy Family

December 26, 2023 0 Comments

Our age has been filled with behaviorist techniques and these have been translated into every corner of life.  That needs to be undone because ultimately it is blind to a higher way of relating between human beings.  Behaviorism treats human beings as tools to be used and manipulated. Even when we love them, we still operate in this manner.  Let me give an example.  With bad behavior, our first thoughts about making such behavior right is to turn to consequences.  If you do x, then y will happen.  Our children are not computers run by programming language.  Behaviorism and programming language fit well together.  But much more is at stake in the human soul.  If-then thinking is simply not adequate. This is because virtues are the real key to human flourishing.  Ultimately, these virtues are not only the heart of good behavior but they are at the heart of human happiness.  Virtues are the perfection of the powers of the human soul that God has created in every one of us. And these are not instilled in us through behaviorist if-then thinking. They are instilled in us through loving relationships of mom and dad, brother and sister, aunt and uncle, and through friendships.  Ultimately, these only flourish in a sacramental context in which God’s love continually pours out upon our souls and awakens us first to His friendship, and through Him, friendships with others, and even the hope of friendship with those who are our enemies.  This is not game.  Parents are the first responders in this arena. Parents employ secondary helpers, teachers, to help them raise their children.  Make no mistake about this.  It is the war of the ages because it is the battle of the heart that has raged since Satan fell.  It is not easy.  It is not made for the weak of heart, mind, and body, and yet that is what we are.  But we are His, and in our weakness He rises up to reveal not only His power but His love, His mercy, His wisdom, His life, which He wants to give to us through the trials and sufferings of life. 

That is our vision, and the mission that rises from it has three departments.  The first is to help train and awaken parents to an education that is both rooted in our created nature and is elevated by the life of grace supernaturally.  The second is to help build schools of the Holy Family that will help and work with parents and families to raise their children to live faithfully in this world.  The third is to develop an academy of research that will help to further articulate this mission in light of the ever changing needs of families in this world and in different cultural contexts.