Unfolding Puzzle, Jokes, Riddles, and Limericks

March 4, 2023 0 Comments

Guess the Clues

An accordion-folded slip. A clue is given on each side. E.g.

  1. I am white.
  2. I come in winter.
  3. If you heat me up, I become water.
  4. I am shaped like a  star.
  5. I cover the ground as a blanket.
  6. Then, provide the answer on the last page – snow.


Children love to read and listen to jokes. As an extension, keep some on separate cards for them to create their own accordion puzzles.


Cards with riddles with the answer on the back are greatly enjoyed. Ex: ‘Why did the chicken cross the road?’ etc.


Children with a keen sense of humor will enjoy reading these aloud to his friends. Edward Lear wrote many such poems for children: E.g.

There was a Young Lady whose chin, 

Resembled the point of a pin; 

So she had it made sharp, 

And purchased a harp, 

And played several tunes with her chin